It’s a Man’s World! The Culture of IT and All Things Geek!



     Hello again internet world. School has been about all I do these days. It takes all my energy to stay focused and get stuff turned in on time. Any free time I have had has been spent playing World of Warcraft with my best friend. I know it’s not an excuse for not posting recently, but it’s the truth. So, yes, I am still in college, and yes I am still studying IT and web programming. I am still loving it all just as much as when I started. Which brings me to my topic of this blog. Women in IT.

For one of my classes, I was asked to write a paper about the culture of IT professionals, and interview someone in the field. As I researched I was reminded that the culture is very male oriented. When looking for someone to interview, I realized all I knew were men in the field. As a woman wanting to pursue that path, I found it somewhat troubling. I have never been feministic, in the past and never gave much thought to it. However, it always bothers me when I am playing WOW and some idiot makes the comment of “Girls don’t play WOW.” or “Only fat ugly women play video games.”  It’s like, “Hello, I’m right here! I don’t think I am Ugly and definitely female!” (Yea I could stand to lose a few pounds…. but that is not the point.)

I began to look at one of my favorite actresses, Felicia Day. I always tell people I want to be her when I grow up. (Even though technically I am older.) She is an amazing person who like myself enjoys all things Geek. Also, she is a great inspiration that it is ok to be female and have these interests.

So, this got me thinking. The reason many women are not in the field of IT, is because there are not a lot of female mentors or peers for them to look to. Also, society has conditioned us that it is a man’s world with sexy video game characters and bikini clad women at conventions and conferences. Being a woman headed into this field, I want to inspire young girls to do the same by being a mentor for them. I want to help change the culture of IT and make it ok for women to want to be there and more appealing to them. It’s going to be a long road, but finding a Why helps it to get done!

Do you agree that the culture of IT and all things geek is predominately male? Do you agree it is time for a change? Please like this blog, share with friends, or leave comments below.  Have a great Day!


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