Work Fast or Efficient, Which Do You Want?

9934994-missing-piece-puzzle-head-vectorHave you ever noticed how the majority of the world does not understand the workings of a mind with a disability? I thought it was just me but speaking with my husband who is ADHD, it seems he has the same issues. He was telling me the other day how his boss was upset with him because if he is taking his time to work accurately, he is too slow. But if he speeds up to where his boss wants him to work at, he is constantly making needless mistakes. This is the same issue I had with my job. My boss would say we need to learn to work fast paced and efficient. Now, from what I have read in other blogs and articles from people with ADD/ADHD, we have to take the time to let our brains process the information to help avoid mistakes and to work efficiently.

By feeling like we have to adapt to others expectations, we are left feeling like there is something wrong with us and ruins any chance of feeling worth while to the business or to even society. Many times my husband and I have felt like failures because we just can’t meet what the boss is  wanting and the boss is left thinking we are either lazy, incompetent, or just don’t care.

So, are we supposed to suck it up and somehow meet this adaptation in to how society thinks we should act and work? Or will society realize we are different and adapt themselves? I read about people who have these disabilites and in spite of them live very successful lives. I wonder how they managed to overcome issues and live up to the expectations of society and in their careers. For my self, I feel drained daily trying to live up to what others want.


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